Shannon Kelly
Licensed Master Social Worker
Master of Public Administration
Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor
trained EMDR therapist
Specialties: Substance Use Disorder & Community Outreach
Working with others and being of service has been my primary goal in my professional career. In order to help others in the best possible manner, I pursued my education and became a master level clinician with my Masters in Social Work, LMSW. I also received my Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor, LCDC. Being of service to the community is also something near and dear to my heart, with that interest, I received my Masters in Public Administration, MPA. My work with people is especially meaningful when they are suffering from substance use disorders and related issues to the community and to the family. I have spent 10 years in this field. It's a disease that affects everyone and I have watched it impact family, friends, and peers throughout my time as a therapist. My aim is to make a difference in individuals, families, and the community when it comes to substance abuse related issues. Knowledge and education keeps me passionate. I have worked with treatment centers and hospitals performing seminars and pieces of training on knowledge and education when it comes to health, wellness, and substance use. I practice Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, CBT, and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, DBT. I also have trained professionally in Eye Movement and Desensitization Reprocessing Therapy, EMDR.
I am here to serve individuals and families suffering from substance abuse related disorders as well as facilitate community outreach and groups to help on a broader scale and raise awareness around the solutions that exist to help people. While some people aren't ready for therapy immediately, identifying the problem is a major step in the right direction.